Keep up on NEW projects as well as the art biz through featured and shared articles all related to art and anything creative
Random words. Short stories. Phrases and inspirational thoughts. A place to share what’s rattling around creatively
Calendar of Events + news and upcoming regional creative happenings. Keep up with what’s coming up!
EVENTSCreative Bursts
New Series “HSA” I – IV
It’s been a while since new work has been created and posted. Inspiration comes in all forms! This is a new black & white series of 4 pieces, titled “HSA”[…]
Read moreABOUT
DPdesignWorks is a digital photography and illustration venture that creates all forms of art, from drawings to paintings, digital illustration and portraits, storyboards and doodles. Oodles and oodles of doodles. And anything related to art in general.

All the cool stuff we do
This is the heart and core of what DPdesignWorks does.
It all began with sketches and drawings way back when, and evolved into more intricate, photo-realistic pencil renderings in both black & white and color. Experients in painting and printmaking came later, with photography always finding a way back into everything.PHOTOGRAPHY & RETOUCHING
What began with a 35mm Minolta X700 camera has evolved into photography mostly with a Canon Rebel digital camera. At times, in a pinch, the ole iPhone has come in handy to catch those spontaneous shots. We do retouching too. YES, even the touch-ups on old family pictures.
While always intrigued with the notion to teach, this became reality when brought on board to teach Photoshop CC at The Art institute of Michigan. From there, it has evolved into developing custom art courses that will become another facet of DPdesignWorks services.
Drawing: It’s where it all began and something of a staple of DPdesignWorks. Much of what is presented in this site are spontaneous pieces available for sale. We welcome custom art and illustration requests. Just contact us and let us know help create what you have in mind!
An interesting thing happened while building comps and even creating websites for customers: finessing the fine craft of writing body copy for businesses. This seemed natural, since much of the earlier years were spent writing short stories, poetry and song lyrics.
Welcome to BeeLoved Wellness Haven
This has been a life-long passion of DPdesignWorks to be part of a great cause; a touching yet realistic story to bring BeeLoved to life through images, testimonies and the sweat of many parents of children with disabilities as well as disabled or impared adults. Action needs to be taken to secure the wellness of their loved ones not just now, but for years to come. They do deserve a quality of life. This is a primary mission and goal of BeeLoved and a committment from DPdesignWorks and Monkeyboxer Creative to deliver their messages. More information will be added and found by going to the “News + Features” section.
There will be updates and additinal information regarding BeeLoved found through NEWS & EVENTS.
Join the BeeLoved crusade. We need your support, be it through donations or by simply telling your friends.
This is where we ask that you send us your own personal stories involving impaired, disabled loved ones that are in need of help.
Like BeeLoved Wellness Haven on Facebook and find on Twitter. There will be a link to a customized site totally dedicated to their cause.
Secret of Loofsnoogles
Put simply: It is a brand identity created by both Monkeyboxer Creative / DPdesignWorks and is dedicated to bring the world of art to children and adults with disabilities and to become a powerful arm to BeeLoved Wellness Haven’s cause. It began as an idea and a logo concept without a direct purpose. It has evolved into various levels of art courses customized to appeal and promote tactile skills while offering a creative release of expression. More information will be added and found by going to the “News + Features” section.
Courses focused on basic art skills include drawing and provide tactile skills with fundamental craft projects that encourage creativity and expression.
Client’s work can be submitted into local events, art festivals and specific shows – all to share and sell their works to the community and garner artistic credibility.
Specific daily and weekly workshops encourage and promote participation individuallhy or in groups.
Specially crafted program that supports and sponsors these budding artists on a professional level.
Portfolio Samples
This is the heart and core of DPdesignWorks’ inventory of abstract imagery, and just a small sample. Find recent work and more samples from the DPdesignWorks arsenal by clicking the buttons below
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
I’m very pleased with the tremendous amount of work done on my projects. They’re ongoing, so I am happy to be able to work with them on a semi-consistent basis. The photography work and posters are amazing. But there’s so much more that’s being done so I can’t wait until it all is unveiled. Both DPdesignworks and Monkeyboxer Creative have been a blessing to work with.

Patricia Sovlansky
Howell, MII was shocked to learn that this was really photography with effects and not an actual drawing. When he explained the process, I was blown away. I love unique pieces of art, and I just had to have this one and was able to get it in a white frame.

Darlene Keskinen
South Lyon, MIMy dad is a huge Marx Brothers, Three Stooges and Laurel & Hardy fan and he had Darrin create some cool pictures from scenes of their movies for his office. My dad treasures these pictures so much. They look like photographs but up close you can see how detailed they are. Darrin has even drawn some horse pictures for me and I love them so much.

Catherine Cole
Homer, MIJoin us! It will only take a minute
DPdesignWorks Team
At the core of every thriving business is an incredible, talented staff. Sometimes it’s almost like being several people at the same time! All fun asside, this is a continuously evolving success story that is being re-written as more leaps and bounds are accomplished.

Darrin L. Proctor
Founder & CEO
Backed by a BFA in Graphic Design from CCS in Detroit and MFA in Media Design from Full Sail University, Darrin boasts a 20 year crusade in advertising and marketing with many accomplishments as a credited Graphic Designer, Creative Director, Entrepreneur, and Creative Writer.
Art Director
“D” comes to us boasting a broad background where he worked at various companies and wore many different hats. He has a great eye for composition as an artist and designer. He also has a strange resemblance to the CEO. Uncanny.
Titus may be one of the oddest yet most underappreciated illustrator ever. His professional experience includes photo-rendering, commercial illustrations, pen & ink illustrations, marker and multi-medium abstract renderings. He works well with others.
Gunner brings a sense of humor and energy as an accomplished photographer to DPdesignWorks. His passion is evident in his compositions and abstract visions. Contributions are abundant in his quest and dedication.CROSSING OVER
Sibling Rivalry: print+web+social with TEETH
We would like you to meet BIG bro Monkeyboxer Creative. This sibling has an arsenal as powerful and masterful as DPdesignWorks. From advertising, marketing and graphic design in both print and web, there is something seriously brewing with this place. Visit their presence on the web at the link below.
DPdesignWorks welcomes artists & photographers
If you’re new to art, an ambitious student or seasoned professional, there’s a place for you with us here. Together, we can share our work and make a difference.
This is an exciting endeavor that will benefit everyone.